5 Tell Tale Signs of an Unhealthy Relationship

Almost every young girl dreams of the day she’ll meet her prince and fall in love. However, sometimes you find yourself in a relationship with someone who definitely isn’t the one. Maybe it’s physically abusive, or mentally and emotionally draining. Whichever way the cookie crumbles, it is important that you be able tell the difference between a relationship that is healthy and one that isn’t. Here are some signs of an unhealthy relationship:

1. Your friend/partner talk down to you

Does your partner care about your thoughts and ideas as much as their own? Or do they belittle you and speak to you like you’re less than them? Often times girls will say that a guy may be rough around the edges, but he still cares. No excuse can justify someone purposely saying things to hurt you or make you feel insignificant. Many women believe that the only type of abuse there is, is physical. But that could not be further from the truth. When a friend or partner puts you in an inferior position with the intentions to break you down, then that is not love. It is abuse.

2. They’re too insecure

Sometimes we get jealous simply because we’re human. Our minds are flawed, and we can struggle to feel secure. However, when someone doesn’t trust you to go out and do normal things with other people, and constantly checks up on you, something is very wrong. You deserve your privacy, and no one should be reading through your private text messages. Boundaries and trust are key components of every relationship. Any relationship lacking trust and allowing for all things to be fair game is not healthy. i.e. going through phones, attempting to forbid you to have friends beside them, etc.

3. They try to hurt you and blame you for their wrongdoing 

Maybe you forgot to call your significant other last night because you were too tired. Or maybe something changes in your plans and you forgot to tell them about it. Although you should always try to stick to commitments, that is no excuse for waking up the next day to a stream of angry text messages. There is a right and wrong way for someone to approach a situation. If your friend/partner often name calls and overreacts in response to disagreements, then proceeds to blame you for their outbursts, that is not healthy and may lead to future conflicts. Someone else’s poor choices are not your fault, and you shouldn’t go back to someone who chooses to disrespect you in that manner.

4. It’s one-sided

You might think that some guy is cute and want to be in a simple relationship with him. He might think you’re some goddess and want to marry you. The feelings between the two of you are not equal and can only end in someone being hurt. We often glorify possessive boyfriends as an example for men, but the truth is that they should not be obsessed with you, especially if you do not feel the same way. Do not feel obligated to reciprocate feelings that you don’t have in order to please your partner. Be honest with yourself and with them.

5. There is ANY sign of abuse

If you are in any kind of domestic violence or abuse situation, whether it be verbal, physical, financial, mental, or otherwise, please seek help. There are various resources online that can help you find safety. You are not alone and it’s important to take the first step to get help. Contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline 24/7 at

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The Beginner’s Guide to an Easier Period

We all hate that time of the month. We dread the arrival of that seven-day span of time where we develop terrible, all-consuming cravings, wild roller coaster emotions and, worst of all, writhing in pain from agonizing cramps. Well, ladies, I have some tried and true remedies for getting through your period! When about all you wanna do is curl up into the fetal position and hibernate for the next four days to a week, just remember these four things!


Did you know that light to moderate exercise is proven to relieve cramps? Now, I understand curling up into a ball watching reruns of Fresh Prince Of BelAir sounds very tempting, but avoid it. Exercising is a key way to relieve cramps and pain that you may experience. You know how we all have that one thing we hate with such a strong passion? I personally hate exercising, and when it’s that time of month, thinking about exercise is worse than my actual problems. However, exercise triggers your brain to release endorphins, which are your body’s natural pain relievers. You may hate the very idea of it, but something as light as yoga or as moderately strenuous as kickboxing, can help your cramps to be WAY less intense, therefore making your period ALOT more bearable.

2. Stay Away From Chocolate and Carbs

Who doesn’t like chocolate? Yes, chocolate is the key to many of our problems, but not your period. To help you get over this tough time stay away from carbs in general. Chocolate and fries and all that goodness sound amazing right now, but you should not eat them. First, because it is not healthy. Second, because the bad feelings go away shortly, but when they come back, it’s worse. It’s OK to indulge a little, but what will actually satisfy those cravings best are complex carbs like peas, beans, whole grains, and vegetables. If you really can’t stay away from the carbs and fat, try Nutella on whole grain bread or baked sweet potato fries. Yes, it is still high in carbs, but it’s not as bad if you were to eat it plainly.

3. Drink Herbal Teas

I love tea VERY VERY much. This is something that I actually do. Inside of herbal tea bags there are emmenagogues. Emmenagogues stimulate the reproductive system and blood flow. It’s the same thing with water. Water is on the safer side because you don’t have to worry about any side effects or allergies. They both do the same thing by helping flush fluids faster.

4. Eat Citrus and Vinegar

Citrus fruits or vinegar is another ideal solution to cut down on the agony of your period. Citrus and vinegar reduce pain and cramps. Gingers are also the most therapeutic thing that you could have. I personally hate the taste of ginger, but it is known for healing colds and sore throats.

Just remember that every body is different. If all fails, and none of this works for you, that doesn’t mean that anything is wrong. There are probably other things that work for you. There are a ton of natural remedies to make the days of your period go by smoother. And if none of the natural remedies work, there is always pain medication, that, if taken correctly, is extremely effective.

So, keep these four tips in mind the next time your period comes. May your uterus be ever in you favor!