
I scan the front of my house and see that our car is still in the driveway. That’s odd, because if they had left, why wouldn’t they take the car with them? I go to open the front door but find that the handle won’t turn. Um, what? I try again and realize that somehow the door is locked from the outside and it won’t budge. I twist and turn some more, but my efforts are useless – this door isn’t opening.

Surviving Online School

If you are still a high school student or college student, this whole virus thing has REALLY had an impact on your life. Despite the virus causing schools to physically close, most of us are still required to take online courses. I don’t know about you, but even though I spend a lot of time interacting with technology, for me, online school is ten times more difficult than actual school. Maybe it’s because I’m in the comfort of my room for the majority of my day, but I just can’t seem to focus… like ever. Honestly, I commend anyone who takes online courses willingly and full time because… WOO CHILE! Despite this, I can say that I’m doing decently in spite of the circumstances. I’m here to give you my tips and tricks for surviving online school.